Birth Mother Brunch
24th Annual Birth Mother’s Brunch – Saturday, May 10, 2025
In 1990 a group of birth mothers in Seattle, WA wanted to remember and honor the decision they made to place their children for adoption. They created what is now known as Birth Mother’s Day, a day in which birth mothers are honored and recognized for their courageous and loving adoption decisions. Birth Mother’s Day is nationally recognized on the Saturday before Mother’s Day.
After hosting our Annual Birth Mother Dinner for 18 years we decided it was time for a change. In 2019 we hosted a Birth Mother Brunch on Birth Mother’s Day itself!
If you have never attended our Birth Mother Event before, we encourage you to consider attending our brunch on May 10, 2025. This is a wonderful way to connect with other birth mothers and to share about your adoption journey with people who really understand, because they chose adoption, too!
Birth mothers are welcome to attend no matter which agency they placed through. All birth mothers attend free of charge and are encouraged to bring a guest. Each guest is kindly asked to pay $10 at the door, credit card preferred.
Register for this event here. Please RSVP by Friday, May 2, 2025.
If you have any questions or if you want to be added to our mailing list please contact Rebecca at 612-746-5670 or e-mail
Event Details
10:00am-12:00pm – Check in starts at 9:30am
Why do birth mothers attend our Birth Mother Brunch?
“To celebrate the decision I made to place.”
“It’s one of my favorite events that New Life holds. I’ve been coming every year since I placed my daughter.”
“I love to connect with other birth moms and I always hope to encourage birth moms.”
“I love the love and support of this event. It is the one thing I count on for this weekend every year.”