Embryo Adoption

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New Life Adoptions works in collaboration with Snowflakes Embryo Adoption Program (Nightlight Christian Adoptions in California) and the National Embryo Donation Center (NEDC) (in Tennessee), to provide home studies for prospective adoptive families seeking to adopt embryos for implantation. A home study must be completed by a licensed agency in your home state.


Home Studies for Embryo Adoption

The home study process for embryo adoption is very similar to the process for couples seeking traditional adoption services; however, your social worker will focus on the uniqueness of embryo adoption. To read more about the home study process, view the adoption process page.

After your home study is complete, New Life Adoptions will send your approved home study to the embryo adoption program of your choice. The selection of a donor family and the transfer of embryos will take place through the embryo adoption program. As adoptive parents, you will be matched with genetic parents much in the same way as in a traditional adoption. Your embryo adoption may include meeting the genetic parents and having ongoing contact.

Application Process

Families interested in working with New Life Adoptions for embryo adoption are first required to complete and submit a Preliminary Application. Contacts us to request a Preliminary Application at info@newlifeadoptionsmn.org or 612-746-5658. There is a $50 processing fee for the preliminary application.

Following approval of the preliminary application, the following fees apply for embryo adoption:

Application Fee

$ 1,000
  • Due upon approval of the formal application.

Home Study Fee

$ 3,000
  • Covers all visits necessary for completion of the state-mandated home study. The fee is due upon home study approval.

Need more information about Embryo Adoption? Visit our FAQs page.