Pregnancy Resources

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At New Life Adoptions, we provide resources for you during your pregnancy, during your decision making process, and after birth.

Parenting Resources

All parents who are either pregnant or have children under the age of 5 are eligible to join the Every Family Parenting Program. Receive one-on-one education with a Parenting Coach and material support.

Learn more on their website here: Every Family Parenting Support & Education Program

Together for Good offers a network of support from trained volunteers and staff for parents who are overwhelmed or facing increased life stressors. Their services include crisis housing for children, respite care, and social support.

Help Me Grow is a website that provides resources for families to understand developmental milestones for infants and toddlers. If there are concerns, individuals can refer their child for a developmental screening or evaluation.


Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) offers parent and early childhood education for families with children between birth and kindergarten age. Check their website or catalog for locations and class times.

Contact: 651-793-5410 or


Financial Support Resources

The Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants & Children (WIC) is a nutrition and breastfeeding program that helps eligible pregnant women, new mothers, babies and young children. WIC provides nutrition education and counseling, nutritious foods, and referrals to health and other social services.

All of our services are free to expectant parents. If you have financial concerns related to your pregnancy, talk with one of our social workers. We can help you with finding community resources, such as paying for medical bills after birth, help with rent or other expenses.

Here are a few of the resources that our social workers can help connect you with:

  • Bridging
  • Emerge Mothers Academy
  • Cradle of Hope
  • The Life Fund
  • Jeremiah Program
  • Ester Homes
  • Nurse Family Partnership
  • Odom Community Care Clinic
  • The Community Sharing Fund
  • Dress for Success
  • Vine and Branches
  • WIC
  • and more!

Our social workers can help assess your needs and eligibility for these programs and more. Contact us to learn more.

Hear from Birth Mothers

When you think about who a birth parent is, what are some common stereotypes that come to mind?

Most people have an idea of a stereotypical birth parent. Stereotypes can be based on something you have seen before, but they do not give an accurate picture of all birth parents. In our experience birth parents can be very different than who they are assumed to be.

We know each birth parent is unique, and no two adoption stories are alike. Check out these videos to meet several birth parents, and hear their stories and reasons behind why they are not a typical birth parent.

Click here to view stories of birth parents who made adoption plans through New Life Adoptions.

New Life is proud to be a partner agency of BraveLove, a non-profit pro-adoption movement that seeks to change the perception of adoption through honest, informative, and hopeful communication that conveys the heroism and bravery of birth moms. Read BraveLove’s blog for encouragement in your own journey.

It can be difficult to imagine what placing a child for adoption could actually look like. Sometimes it can be helpful to talk with someone who understands what considering adoption feels like and has been there themselves! Your social worker can help connect you with a birth mother who has placed through New Life. This is an opportunity for you to get some of your questions answered and talk to someone who just “gets it”.

If you are not ready to talk with a birth mom, your social worker can share some video stories of birth mothers who have made an adoption plan through New Life.

Medical Resources

If you are pregnant, it is important to get prenatal care. We can help you find a prenatal provider near you. If you don’t have medical insurance, our social workers can provide you with information about Medical Assistance and help you find a MNSure enrollment expert.

Medical Assistance (MA) is Minnesota’s Medicaid program for people with low income.

“MotherToBaby, a service of the non-profit Organization of Teratology Information Specialists (OTIS), is the nation’s leading authority and most trusted source of evidence-based information on the safety of medications and other exposures during pregnancy and while breastfeeding. We specialize in answering questions about the safety/risk of exposures, such as medications, vaccines, chemicals, herbal products, substances of abuse, maternal health conditions and much more, during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Our no-cost information service is available to mothers, health professionals, and the general public via chat, text, phone, and email in both English and Spanish.” – from their website.

“We are a trusted ally for families and practitioners, providing support, advocacy, awareness, and training. We are the organization in Minnesota paving the way for perinatal mental health.”

Birth mothers struggling with post-adoption depression can call Postpartum Support International’s HelpLine for support.

Call 1-800-944-4773 (4PPD)
#1 En Espanol or #2 English

Text in English: 800-944-4773
Text en Español: 971-203-7773

Proof Alliance, formerly the Minnesota Organization on Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, has been delivering awareness and education to pregnant individuals, and hands-on hope to those living with FASD, since 1998.