Adoptive Parent Seminars

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Adoptive Parent Seminars

New Life Adoptions provides a variety of education for families in the home study process and current waiting families to help you prepare for your adoptive parenting journey. Education includes books, online webinars, and New Life hosted seminars.

New Life hosted seminars include the Openness Seminar, Transracial Parenting Seminar, and Adoptive Parent Panel. These seminars are each offered one to two times per year. Families are required to attend both the Openness Seminar and Transracial Parenting Seminar and are encouraged to attend the Adoptive Parent Panel.

All seminars require preregistration. Please contact our Administrative Social Worker at 612-746-5658 or to register.

Upcoming Seminars:

Openness Seminar

At the Openness Seminar you will receive an educational packet full of information about open adoption including: the history, what open adoption is and is not, the extended family of adoption, levels of contact, what research says, the Inclusive Family Support Model, benefits and challenges, New Life Adoptions’ Openness Survey, keys to a successful open adoption, and the role of each party in an open adoption.

A panel of birth parents will also come in to share their adoption stories with you, highlighting their openness perspective and relationship with their birth children’s adoptive families. We allow for time to ask them the questions that have been weighing on your mind.

All families are required to attend this seminar while in the home study process – both husband and wife are required to attend.

Saturday, October 25, 2025 9:00am-11:45am

Transracial Parenting Seminar

During this interactive seminar, New Life Adoptions’ social workers will present information about transracial parenting in adoption and facilitate follow up discussion. Participants will hear from a panel of four transracial adoptive families sharing about their experience. Prospective adoptive families will receive additional education on this topic during the home study process if they are open to transracial adoption. There will be a lunch break after the Openness Seminar before this seminar begins.

All families are required to attend this seminar while in the home study process – both husband and wife are required to attend.

Saturday, October 25, 2025 12:30pm-3:30pm

Adoptive Parent Panel

Do you feel like you are the only one who has struggled through your adoption process? You are not alone! The Adoptive Parent Panel is an excellent place to hear several families share about their adoption experience. You will have the opportunity to ask questions and hear from adoptive families on every aspect of their adoption process from the waiting process to finalization as well as openness after the adoptive placement.

2026 Date TBD

To receive a link to the recording of our most recent Adoptive Parent Panel, contact our Administrative Social Worker.

Interested in attending a seminar?

Preregistration is required. Contact our Administrative Social Worker with the date and seminar you wish to register for.

waiting family education
waiting family education
waiting family education