Celebrating National Adoption Month

Celebrating National Adoption Month

November has been recognized and celebrated as National Adoption Month across the country for more than two decades. Here at New Life Adoptions, we are grateful for the many ways God has worked through our licensed adoption services to serve both birth parents and adoptive families. Each year we look forward to National Adoption Month as an opportunity to celebrate the children, couples and families that have been touched by adoption, both through and outside our agency.

If you have a story about how adoption has touched you or your family’s life, we would love to hear it! Please share with us online.

This month we want to highlight one of our adoption services: embryo adoption and one family who chose embryo adoption through New Life Adoptions.

A Unique Adoption Service: Embryo Adoption

Since our adoption services began in 1980, we have facilitated 791 adoptions, including our first embryo adoption in 2012. Staying true to our values and beliefs that life begins at conception, here at New Life we have taken hold of this new and unique way to grow families.

So what is embryo adoption?

In pursuit of building a family, many couples today go through In Virto Fertilization (IVF) treatments when they are not able to conceive otherwise. After this process, couples may have remaining embryos stored, and they need to make decisions about what happens to these embryos. One of the options available to them is to make the embryos available for another family through embryo adoption. Because we believe that life begins at conception, we believe that assisting families in the transfer of these embryos through embryo adoption is a way to both support the next step of giving life to these embryos, and assist a couple who is interested in growing their family.

Andrea & Jon worked with New Life Adoptions and through embryo adoption were able to welcome Jasper to their family. This is their story.

Learn more about embryo adoption at New Life Adoptions.