To potential expectant parents who are considering adoption:
“God’s purposes will ripen fast, unfolding every hour;
The bud may have a bitter taste, but sweet will be the flower.” –William Cowper
Our story is all about God’s faithfulness despite our sin. We wouldn’t be here without His grace. If you find anything good about us, it’s all because God put it there by His mercy. God is the Fountain, we are the once-empty cups, and we hope His goodness overflows to you.
We don’t know what has brought you to this point, but we believe that if you look closely (as we once did), you’ll find God in the details. We believe your child is His miracle. We have prayed for you, and if God brings our stories together through your child, then we are grateful, and we will keep praying for you the rest of our lives. No matter what comes, there’s just so much we don’t know, but we know the One who does, and that will always be enough.
Who we are as a family:
James drives a fuel truck for a living, and he aspires to pastor a local church. He loves to learn, to lead, to work with his hands and with people.
Mary homeschools the kids and looks for new ways to build up her home. She loves to nurture her family and she keeps them active within their community.
We’re active in our church, we love new adventures, and we trust the Lord will make all things New.
James’ Top 5 Favorites:
Literature & History // Holidays & birthdays (esp. Christmas & Easter) // Good coffee // Learning & Teaching // Travelling
Mary’s Top 5 Favorites:
Outdoors // Painting and Artwork // Family and Friends // Hosting // Shopping
Zion’s Top 5 Favorites:
Florida // Sports // Friends // Reading Books // Roller Coasters
Moriah’s Top 5 Favorites:
Pizza // Babies // Riding Bikes // Reading // Fancy Dresses
Peter’s Top 5 Favorites:
Mac ‘n’ Cheese // Drawing & Painting // Audio Books // Making Music // Games & Toys
Our views on openness in adoption:
Our goal in openness is to help our kids love the truth. Adoption will always be part of his or her story, whether that story is easy or hard. They need to know that God has written their story, that He has chosen their parents, and that they are safe within the security of our family and in His will. So, we want an openness with our child’s birth parents that will show them God’s handiwork in their story. This way, we hope they’ll know where they’ve come from, who they are, and how the good Creator has authored it all.
We hope our child’s birth parents are willing to know them and to stay in touch with us. In general, we’re willing to keep in touch through things like phone calls, face-to-face visits, and exchange of pictures. But you have a voice in this too, and we would be glad to work out what you’re comfortable with. We look forward to meeting you, and we’re ready when you are.