Hope for the Journey

Hope for the Journey

New Life Adoptions has supported the mission of Show Hope by hosting a simulcast of the Empowered to Connect Conference for the past few years. This year the conference has been both restructured and renamed: Hope for the Journey. We are thrilled to host an in-person simulcast of this informative event on Friday, April 9th and offer a virtual option that includes a link to the full conference that will be available to view on your own between April 9th and May 31st.

What is Hope for the Journey?

The Hope for the Journey conference is based on the Trust-Based Relational Intervention® (TBRI®) methods developed by Dr. Karyn Purvis and Dr. David Gross from the Karyn Purvis Institute of Child development. These methods are also covered in their book, The Connected Child: Bring Hope and Healing to your Adoptive Family by Dr. Karyn Purvis, Dr. David Cross, and Wendy Lyons Sunshine.

Hope for the Journey will include five learning modules based on the foundational principles of TBRI—Connecting, Empowering, and Correcting–along with a new teaching component—The Gospel + TBRI. This conference contains faith-based material that is important for not only adoptive and foster parents but professionals and church staff as well. At New Life Adoptions, we believe in the powerful impact of what the presenters will teach parents and professionals about using TBRI effectively when caring for children.

On Show Hope’s website they state that the “Hope for the Journey Conference seeks to encourage and better equip parents and caregivers meeting the everyday needs of children impacted by adoption and/or foster care… With the busy parent and caregiver in mind, the Hope for the Journey Conference will move to a one-day format, making the conference more accessible to this audience with information being practical, succinct, and consumable in its delivery.”

How Can It Help?

We agree with Show Hope’s statement that, “the adoption journey does not end on the day a child is welcomed home; in fact, the journey is just beginning. Children impacted by adoption and/or foster care have often experienced early attachment injuries related to loss, abuse, trauma, and/or neglect. There is hope and help, though. Whether you are in the adoption process, have welcomed a child home through adoption, or are loving and serving children through foster care, you are not alone.”

Check out our Empowered to Connect blog post for testimonials on the impact of this information on a prospective adoptive parent, an adoption professional, and a teacher/adoptive parent.

This conference offers practical tools and information for adoptive families throughout their adoption and parenting journey. The information is applicable to all adoptive parents regardless of whether their family adopted older children from foster care, adopted internationally, or adopted their children as infants through domestic adoption.

To learn more about the Hope for the Journey conference, check out the Show Hope website.

To get an overview of what TBRI is watch this short video.

If you are interested in attending this conference either in-person or virtually, please contact Rebecca at 612.746.5658 or rebecca@newlifeadoptionsmn.org.