Original Birth Records

Original Birth Records

On July 1, 2024, the Minnesota law that states who can access an Original Birth Record will be changing. Prior to July 1, 2024, when birth parents sign their voluntary consents to an adoption, they sign an Affidavit of Disclosure or Non-Disclosure. This form either gives consent or does not give consent for the child being placed for adoption to access, or not access, their Original Birth Record from the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) upon turning 19 years old. Beginning on July 1, the law change will make any Affidavit of Disclosure or Non-Disclosure on file with MDH null and void.

 What does this mean?

All adopted people who were born in Minnesota and are 18 or older will be able to request their Original Birth Record, even if this request has been denied in the past due to an Affidavit of Non-Disclosure on file with MDH. Please note, any applications submitted before July 1, 2024, will be processed under the old law, not the new law.

What is an Original Birth Record?

An Original Birth Record (OBR) is the original birth certificate created before a child is placed for adoption. After an adoption, birth records are amended to reflect the new name of the adopted person and new parent information. After an adoption, the OBR is sealed, making it confidential and only released by MDH according to Minnesota law.

What does this not mean?

This law change does not change the information that can be released from an adoption agency. All adoption records (different than birth records) are still sealed and cannot be released without a court order.

Birth Parent Contact Preference Form

While birth parents cannot prevent their identifying information listed on the Original Birth Record from being released, they can submit a Birth Parent Contact Preference Form to indicate whether they would like to be contacted by the adopted adult.

Post Adoption Services

This law change does not change the Post Adoption Services that New Life Adoptions provides. Contact us to learn more or talk through your specific situation.

To learn more about this law change, go to the Minnesota Department of Health’s website.