

It’s been 34 years since I placed my daughter for adoption, but sometimes it seems like it was yesterday. Looking back now, there are things I wish I could say to my scared, pregnant 20-year-old self. I wish I could give her a big hug and tell her that everything was going to be OK. That this is not where the story ends. That there would not always be sadness and grief, but joy and peace. That holding onto hope, faith, and love for all those years would not be wasted. That silent, tearful prayers whispered in the dark would be heard and answered beyond what she could ever imagine. That one day she would meet other birth moms that would come alongside her in support, encouragement, understanding, and acceptance. That shame does not have the final say. That she is selfless and brave. Oh, so brave.

The following poem came from some of those thoughts:


I wish I could’ve told you

That it would all be okay

That the pain would lessen

That love would remain strong

That He would do so much more

Than you could ever hope or dream

That this is not the end of the story

That there would be forgiveness,

and grace, and understanding

And love, so much love.



By Cindy Clough-Schramm/ Birthmother, Poet, Writer

About the Author: Cindy Clough-Schramm is a birth mother who placed her daughter through New Life Adoptions in 1990 and was joyously reunited with her in 2011. She is a poet, writer and avid reader. She has overcome many trials in her life with her faith, and she hopes to inspire, encourage, and give hope to others through her writing. Cindy enjoys flavored lattes, anything chocolate, good books, flower gardening, nature walks, and lazy days at the lake. You can find her writing on Facebook and Instagram.