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What to Expect When You Are Expecting: For Expectant Fathers

What to Expect When You Are Expecting: For Expectant Fathers

At New Life Adoptions, we work with both expectant mothers and expectant fathers, meeting you where you are at in your decision-making. Every adoption situation looks different for expectant parents. Fathers can play a role in the decision-making and adoption planning process even if you don’t have a relationship with the mother at this time....

August 9, 2023August 9, 2023
Search and Reunion – Are You Ready?

Search and Reunion – Are You Ready?

Deciding to search for your birth parent(s) or birth child can be a big decision. If you are feeling overwhelmed at all of the “what ifs” of a search, you are not alone. It is important to take some time before jumping into this process to make sure you are prepared. It can be an...

August 3, 2023August 3, 2023
What to Expect When You Are Expecting: Post Adoption Services

What to Expect When You Are Expecting: Post Adoption Services

Whether you are early on in your pregnancy and decision-making process, or you have put your plan into place, it is helpful to know what ongoing support is available after an adoption. There are many support organizations across the country that want to both empower and equip birth moms on their adoption journey. This is...

July 26, 2023July 26, 2023
Practicing Self-Care

Practicing Self-Care

May is mental health awareness month. It can be difficult to take care of ourselves when we have other demands on our time, but taking care of ourselves is a necessary first step to our well-being and helps us be present for others. Over the past few years, we’ve all become more aware of how...

May 5, 2023May 5, 2023
Unplanned Pregnancy: What Support is Available?

Unplanned Pregnancy: What Support is Available?

This is the third part of our Unplanned Pregnancy series. A common question for those who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy is what support is available to them. It is important for those making this difficult decision to know what support is available for each option. New Life Adoptions’ Expectant Parent Social Workers are committed...

April 28, 2023April 28, 2023
Hope for the Journey – Digital Access

Hope for the Journey – Digital Access

This spring, New Life Adoptions is thrilled to offer on-demand, virtual access to the Hope for the Journey conference for the third year in a row. Our staff and many adoptive families have attended this conference and have been blown away by the real-life, hands-on, quality information that is shared each year. Whether you have...

April 14, 2023April 17, 2023
Unplanned Pregnancy: New Life Adoptions’ Role

Unplanned Pregnancy: New Life Adoptions’ Role

As explained in part one of this series, Unplanned Pregnancy: What Options Are There?, a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy often needs to make two different decisions. First, she needs to decide if she will terminate her pregnancy or carry to term. Second, if she chooses to carry to term, she then needs to decide...

April 3, 2023April 3, 2023
How to Talk to Your Child about Their Adoption

How to Talk to Your Child about Their Adoption

Recently, we shared a post about when you should you tell your child that they were adopted. The simple answer is—often and as early as possible. So, the next logical question is—how do you tell them? Conversationally If you adopt your child as an infant, talk to them about their birth parents and their adoption story...

March 24, 2023March 24, 2023
Unplanned Pregnancy: What Options Are There?

Unplanned Pregnancy: What Options Are There?

Talking about the options available to women who find themselves facing an unplanned pregnancy is a very hot topic right now. While some may not see adoption as a viable option for any woman, others may advocate that it is the right choice for everyone in this situation. It can be so confusing to know...

February 10, 2023February 10, 2023
What to Expect When You Are Expecting: Ongoing Support

What to Expect When You Are Expecting: Ongoing Support

You have made it this far through your adoption planning, but the journey is not over yet. New Life Adoptions is committed to continue offering support after your adoption is complete. After you you have put your plan into place, your social worker will continue to provide ongoing counseling and support as needed. We also...

January 13, 2023January 13, 2023